STAR Monthly Draw

Terms & Conditions

  1. All players must be aged 16 or over.
  2. The draw is made by a verified Random Name Selector with prizes allocated on a descending basis.
  3. The available prizes will be as shown on the draw website.
  4. Online entries will close each at 6.59pm on Sundays for weekly draws and at 6.59pm on the 14th for monthly draws.
  5. Payment must be completed and verified by the payment portal provider before the entry is deemed valid.
  6. There will be no refunds in any circumstances and any play made contrary to the rules will be forfeit.
  7. There is no obligation to purchase more than one entry.
  8. Winners first initial and surname will be published in the Previous Winners section of the website.
  9. The promoter’s decision in all matters is final.
  10. All unclaimed prizes after six months will be forfeit.
  11. Players should retain proof of their entry in the event that any query arises.
  12. Prize winning players are required to engage with any reasonable publicity requests by the promoter.
  13. The draw promoter is displayed at the bottom of each page and your ticket. For the avoidance of doubt, Our Club Ltd are not the draw promoter and all prize provision is the responsibility of the draw promoter.