Welcome to the lottery site of Clydebank Rugby Football Club, a club founded in 1969 to promote the playing for rugby football in Clydebank and the surrounding areas, we are a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club.
The Club has over 200 members of all ages and promotes participation in rugby from micros, minis, age grade youth teams U13’s, U15’s, etc to Adult 1XV and 2XV teams. Over our 55 years, we have given many hundreds of young people and adults the chance to enjoy and learn important life lessons through rugby. But this investment comes at a cost, so we are fund raising to help cover the cost of facilities hire and equipment for the Adults, Titans and Tiny Titans.
The Clydebank RFC Monthly Draw offers anyone who wishes to support the club including players, former players, family members and residents of Clydebank, the opportunity to win one of 3 monthly cash prizes. All surpluses will go directly to fund the playing of rugby in Clydebank.